Thread: mueller hearing
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Old 07-26-2019, 09:32 PM   #75
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
But as far as your claim that the report failed to make a determination that Trump and his team acted improperly at best you are incorrect.

I didn't make that claim. Perhaps your responding to somebody else? Or are you lying?

Here is a list for you:
After I got up to part IV, and saw there was a whole bunch more, I gave up. Didn't find it interesting or criminal up to that point. Just circumstances that could mean anything. I found particularly hilarious Trump's sarcastic public statements supposedly being evidence of conspiracy. Really? Hey, world! Listen here, I'm going to expose my conspiratorial Requests to Putin, et. al, right before your ears and eyes, so you can see what I'm up to!! Really? He's that stupid? He wouldn't make a more confidential conspiratorial request to Putin to help him out? Just blurt it out to the world for everyone to see?

You told me you don't watch my videos. I'm not going to read or look at anymore of your links, and videos, and long cut and pastes. They don't usually prove anything anyway.
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