Thread: Gun Legislation
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Old 08-06-2019, 09:17 AM   #1
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Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
So D-Barr suggested I highjacked my own thread, so let’s move it to one dedicated to the discussion. I guess the first question I have is how many here even feel this country has a serious gun problem?

I’d also be curious how many feel it is irresponsible for Mitch to not bring the House passed legislation to the floor for a vote. I don’t have the complete legislation, but I haven’t heard of anything in it that would cause the usual 2A argument.

I would also wonder why this administration killed all funding to research gun violence, is there something they don’t want the public to know?

Tied to the gun problem might be the question, why we don’t have laws to even recognize domestic terrorism?

Eventually it will go to John’s question, why should the sane gun owner be prevented from buying a semi automatic rifle. If that’s a line the senate will never cross, I’d like to see it illegal to have these large capacity magazines.
Here is the issue: Overall Gun related deaths are down near 40% since the peak in the mid 90s (though rising again). The outliers of this are mass shootings and increased inner city violence in some places. Mental Health / Drugs and Gangs / Drugs.

The Right, Some moderate & Independents, and those that believe in the Constitution/2A believe the right to bear arms is absolute and that Self Defense is a Basic Right. Several courts from District to Supreme (Heller) have confirmed this.

The Left, Some moderate & Independents, (I would grant that far less on Left believe in the Constitution) and those that believe in legislating to a better society (rights be damned).

Dems believe that they can banish "Assault Weapons" and that this would do a lot of good. A lot of Dem legislators & Talking Heads that do not know how a firearm operates have done this massive dis/misinformation campaign and made a lot of good people out to be bad people. "You are in the NRA, you must be a racist". They put a lot of pressure on this and this basically target millions of good law abiding citizens that have done nothing wrong. Wayne says nobody wants to take your guns but whether he is lying, naive, or foolish, I just don't know.

Then these same Dems complain that the Reps and Pro 2A won't work with them. Who would want to work with a Party that wants to take away your rights, against your core beliefs in the value of Self Protection, that don't know how a firearm operates, that really does not address the core problem or Mental Health?

Circle back to the top, the problem in Mass Shootings is usually mental health ( I linked this yesterday from a Renowned Never Trumper - bet most of you did not read it) and how that allows outside influences to channel these "Lost Boys". The El Paso guy might have been set off by some 8Chan/Trump and the Ohio guy was apparently and Antifascist hard left awkward incel - both lost boys with different paths to get where they did. Both would have been top candidates for Red Flag laws. MOST of the Mass Shooters over the past 20 years been candidates for Red Flag laws.

We already have very stringent background laws and checks. I cannot purchase a firearm over the counter or privately without having a legal background check from NICS (National Instant criminal Background Check System).

You cannot legally buy an AR15 ANYWHERE Without a Background Check.
You cannot legally buy an AR15 ANYWHERE Without a Background Check.
You cannot legally buy an AR15 ANYWHERE Without a Background Check.
You cannot legally buy an AR15 ANYWHERE Without a Background Check.
Back to the next line same as the first line.

Some states have blocked what data can be submitted to NICS, particularly Mental Health records - items that would be a disqualification for passing an NICS check. Other state and Federal systems have screwed up data transfer which have failed to prevent some people with disqualifying items on their record from causing a NICS check fail. This has been pointed out in the past as allowing people that would have failed a NCIS Check to get firearms. The System Failed. The existing laws were sufficient, the application was not.

So where do we start? IMO we need Red Flag laws that can identify (with just cause) these Lanzas, Roofs, Johnsons, Cruz types that all were on someone's radar. We need to do it in a way that protects their individual rights (due process) and if deemed a risk, prevented from Firearm access and gotten help.

We don't penalize the Law Abiding Citizen.
We don't penalize the Law Abiding Citizen.
We don't penalize the Law Abiding Citizen.
We don't penalize the Law Abiding Citizen.

How do we help the Urban Violence, where most of the tragedy to our our kids happens? No idea.

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