Thread: Gun Legislation
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Old 08-13-2019, 04:01 PM   #118
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Originally Posted by Slipknot View Post
"If making things illegal stops people, then why do people continue to drink and drive, sell drugs, rape people, kill people, steal ... ?

Since all of the above are illegal, and people still do them, what makes you think that making any guns illegal will stop those that want to cause harm?"

I borrowed that but would like to know the answer from any of you who feel it is alright to infringe others' rights.

Pols wet their fingers and put them in the wind after an incident or 3 of some awful senseless violence and react instead of acting. I say if we allow them to continue to erode the constitution like they have been getting away with, then I suppose we get what we deserve and we will either be serfs or die defending our rights. It really is that simple. It is not "gun violence" it is senseless violence. I understand that statistics mean nothing to liberals but find this intriguing

ban hammers why don't you
The Gun Lobby’s interpretation of the Second Amendment is one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word fraud, on the American People by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime. The real purpose of the Second Amendment was to ensure that state armies – the militia – would be maintained for the defense of the state. The very language of the Second Amendment refutes any argument that it was intended to guarantee every citizen an unfettered right to any kind of weapon he or she desires. – Warren Burger, Conservative Supreme Court Chief Justice

No issue with owning weapons I have issue with thinking you can have any weapon you want ..
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