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Old 08-24-2019, 09:53 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
Hah! And you guys keep saying he hasn't accomplished anything! Do you realize how difficult it is to have a noteworthy tantrum at Denmark? Could you or your mother? Who would care? Tantrums are very powerful things when done by those who have the legitimate responsibility to throw them at another country. Look at the commotion Trump has created by this. Who else could have pulled off such furor over being furious? You gotta give the man some credit. And Greenland would have been a nice addition to our collection of States. With global warming it will become green again, it could have made the green new deal work. I would throw a tantrum at Denmark for not selling it to us. Actually, throwing in Denmark into the purchase would have really sealed the deal. And why wouldn't Denmark go for it? It sold itself to the EU. It would do better being a part of the US. The EU is a squabbling mess with some wanting to exit and a bunch being subsidized by the rest, and it depends on US power to protect it anyway.

And doubling down on anti-Semitic tropes while supporting Israel like nobody else and having Jews as a very important part of his family--who could pull such a thing off? Could Ben Gurion or Golda Meijer or Neten"yahoo" have done that? It takes quite a man to pull off that stunt!

Now . . . basking in the praise of right wing conspiracy theorists is not easy. Have you ever tried it. Do you realize how quickly your basking would turn into a butt-burning scorching by the NYT or CNN. You couldn't handle that. C'mon man, the guy has some real nads.

And poor Russia. SOMEBODY has to help it advance its foreign policy. It doesn't do a very good job of it itself. We should help our neighbors. Maybe we could buy it. Vodka and Russian women--great addition.

And the humility of merely awarding himself the medal of honor. He, obviously, deserves so much more. That he would settle for only that, and miss the opportunity to bask in all the other medals and honors he is entitled to . . . I mean . . . this is the essence of magnanimous!

Also, endorsing comparisons is quite difficult and fairly rare. And to a king--that requires real stature. Very few could do this.

But the masterpiece, the magnum opus, the masterwork, the tour de force. the showpiece, the prize, the gem, the jewel of endorsing comparisons is self deification. I don't think God could even do that. This is the height of power, of magnificence, and of earthly and heavenly accomplishment! Pay attention! What he has done compares favorably in difficulty and scope to Hercules cleaning the Augean Stables.

Being a one man band ain't easy either.
We already know how big your man crush is.. maybe you could use your writing skills to list these accomplishments you and other supporters insist have happened..
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