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Old 09-09-2019, 01:42 PM   #1
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Even the most casual visitor to China cannot help but see a nation leaping into the future. Thousands of new buildings, roads and bridges; dozens of new airports; and several maglev high-speed trains – all of it reflects strategic infrastructure investment.

A few years ago, the nation produced copycat technology products, but now it’s producing unique, innovative products that its urban population purchases via smartphones.

The Communist Party governing structure means that strategic decision-making can be followed by quick execution. The 26.4-mile Qingdao Haiwan Bridge – the longest in the world – was built in just four years.

President Xi has further strengthened the national government by consolidating power, reducing corruption and investing strategically in education, infrastructure and relationships with developing countries.

Chinese universities produce millions of STEM graduates and President Xi has targeted artificial intelligence and self-driving vehicles for major investment.

China protects and nurtures its home-grown companies and puts up roadblocks to foreign competitors such as Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google and Twitter.

Now, is called the Amazon of China, with fleets of drones delivering products. Apple makes products in China, but is slowly being eclipsed by other brands like Huawei. WeChat – the Facebook and Twitter of China – is bolstered by the government, but also censored. Similarly, Baidu’s monopoly as the number-one Chinese search engine is due to the government.

No one debates whether China will surpass the U.S. to be the world’s largest economy; the only question is when it will happen.

China’s ascent is factual. The nation’s systems stem from its priorities, the biggest one being the harmony of the group rather than the rights of the individual.

The Chinese have more people, they have the same issue we do with aging population and we would be smart to allow more immigration, not less. No country has put itself in a better position to become the world’s renewable energy superpower than China.

We need to make the investment in infrastructure.
Realign our healthcare spending.
Make our educational system work more efficiently.
Listen to the DOD about the threat from climate change.

China is reaching out to the world and supporting development, in Central and South America, Australia, Africa and the Bahamas. They will gain alliances and commerce by doing so and are.
National ascendancy is a very long term endeavor, that the US has been pursuing for many decades. It has enabled us to have the largest economy and become world leaders in many fields and to help others, while helping ourselves. Trump's America First nationalism is the start of America Alone in a destabilized world.
James Mattis explains the importance of NATO and the cultivation of allies quite well in various media.
George HW Bush and his son both used the support of allies in Iraq and Afghanistan and they came at a moment's notice. I fear that is lost to us now. Look at the Iran arms agreement for one example. Along with that we have reduced our ability to call one of our allies who seems to have a problem with another, and to work it out without conflict, much like a big brother.
We are seen as the Big Bully more so than ever.
Don't worry, it might be infrastructure week again soon, till then we have the Stable Genius steering the ship along with his children, sitting at his desk watching TV with a laser pointer, a Sharpie and a cell phone tweeting.

Thank you to Bahamian Prime Minister Hubert Minnis for your very gracious and kind words in saying that without the help of the United States and me, their would have been many more casualties. I give all credit to FEMA, the U.S. Coast Guard, & the brave people of the Bahamas..

The rest of the world has learned how to butter him up

And many people disagree with your statement that The Constitution, the courts, the legislative branch, and the media, all limit what he can get away with.


"Even the most casual visitor to China cannot help but see a nation leaping into the future"

I asked how America is slip[ping due to Trump. Saying "China is investing in infastrusture", doesn't come close to responding to what I asked. Was China not advancing during the Obama years? How is it Trump's fault that China is advancing? Should Trump nuke China? You libs crack me up. He takes a hard economic stance with China, and you all attack him for his pointless trade war. Yet here, you blame him for China advancing.

We need to invest in infrastructure here, I'll give you that. But that was a laughable answer to the question I asked.

"China protects and nurtures its home-grown companies and puts up roadblocks to foreign competitors" Again, when Republicans in America do the same thing, liberals reflexively shriek that conservatives are too pro business.

"We need to make the investment in infrastructure"

I agree with you. Our lack of doing so (did you complain when Obama didn't get an infastricture spending bill) doesn't weaken our standing on the planet.

"Realign our healthcare spending."

Agreed again, but also again, this isn't a Trump creation. You started this thread, and your article said Trump diminished America. So you were OK with the alignment of healthcare spending until Trump took over? What has he done, exactly, to change that?

"Make our educational system work more efficiently"

Oh this is wonderful. It's Trump's fault that our educational system is dominated by unions, and therefore hideously inefficient?

"Listen to the DOD about the threat from climate change."

Unbelievable. You have nothing to say about China, in regard to climate change.

OK. You posted an article saying Trump diminished America's standing. I asked for examples, and you came up with these:

China is ascending
our infrastructure is dilapidated
we spend too much on healthcare
education is inefficient
climate change

I agree with you that these items are challenges we face. Trump created NONE of them, and the only one you can possibly argue that he has had any negative impact on, is climate change.

You crack me up. Trump created teachers unions!!!
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