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Old 09-09-2019, 06:23 PM   #52
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
I think she also publicly regretted using the word half. It was politically clumsy but given what we've seen from Trump and a lot of his supporters not that far off.

She's said some things that might be politically inflammatory but that's her right to do so. I wouldn't disagree with a lot of what she's said and I'm no hater of Jews. Hell, my kids are Jewish by birth.

She got almost 80% of the vote in her district, just absolutely pounded the Republican opponent, you don't think Jews voted for her?

I'm having problems reconciling your positions.
"I think she also publicly regretted using the word half."

Every time it comes back to bite them in the polls, they regret it. Only then. So I'm not impressed. Not when she does it, not when Trump does it. Does he ever do it? Anyway, calling tens of millions of people deplorable and irredeemable is a heck of a thing, I believe she meant it exactly as it came out of her big, fat mouth. Good riddance to bad garbage, as they say...

"She's said some things that might be politically inflammatory but that's her right to do so"

No one is saying she should be locked up. Of course there's no law against bigotry.

"She got almost 80% of the vote in her district, just absolutely pounded the Republican opponent, you don't think Jews voted for her?"

Her district is very heavily Somali, I believe. But I'm sire Jews would vote for her, just as there are white straight men who voted for Hilary, and Vietnam vets who voted for Blumenthal. That she got more than zero votes from a segment, doesn't mean she doesn't hate that segment. I'm pretty comfortable saying she doesn't like then, based on evidence. As always, you defend the liberal. Always, always, always. Shocker.

Her district was once represented by Keith Ellison. They like their liberal nutjobs in MN-5.

"I'm having problems reconciling your positions"

That's because my positions, unlike yours, aren't blindly partisan. Name one single significant policy position on which you think liberals have it wrong. Anything?

"Some people did something". Seriously, Spence?


Last edited by Jim in CT; 09-09-2019 at 06:36 PM..
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