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Old 09-12-2019, 06:07 AM   #1
Jim in CT
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just what a racist would do

Trump lifts a ban on federal funding for historically black, faith based colleges.

Right out of James Earl Rays playbook, eh?

His mouth and his tweets are routinely obnoxious, offensive, with an Archie Bunker-esque style. When he’s angry, he says and tweets things that are insensitive at the very best, genuinely offensive at worst.

But why would a racist white supremacist, do this?

i’d love to see us somehow get back to the unity we had in the immediate aftermath of the post 9/11 era, where we really felt
like we were one nation under god, regardless of what we each did in the voting booth. Trumps
rhetoric doesn’t move us on that direction for sure.

But his mouth isn’t what we’re about. This is what we’re about.
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