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Old 10-21-2019, 04:04 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by nightfighter View Post
Sunday morning. Sit down with a coffee, sign in and hit new posts...
There's nothing fishing related!
One member has managed to make the last post in each of the six threads that comes up.... I have heard those that say I don't have to read, open, or go to that forum... But should I have to search around the politics to find any fishing discussion when I come to a fishing site?
Time to create its own group, site, private group with PW, something that will allow S-B to exist as the primary interest here.... Just my opinion. But would like others to weigh in, especially those who have become more silent in the face of this forum's dominating growth.
You’re a trouble maker..... LOL
How’s the knee?

Originally Posted by Got Stripers View Post
I never talk politics with friends, as that at times, especially when they are a bit on the nutty side to begin with; can lead to lost friendships. I do however enjoy a little debate on the political board, although lately it's more of a 13 year old food fight and I've been avoiding it out of a loss of interest in the content.

If you don't like the heat, stay out of the kitchen. Want fishing content post some. Internet trolls have all but elminated any discussion about locations, except for all but the most well know and not secret spots.

I went old school depth finder yesterday as in calling three bait shops I could hit on the way to New Bedford, only one had a couple quarts left. I was all but loaded, but forgot I had put my depth finder battery on a charger for a quick bump and in my haste left it home. The structure off the fort by Clarks Cove isn't all that visible, had I gone to Gooseberry and Hens & Chickens I'd have done ok without, but not there. So I put on a 3oz sinker solo on one rod and dragged it around the area I knew I'd done will before, finding the rocks and boulders old school worked; albeit a bit more slowly. There I put fishing content up so lets move on, want to talk about the political board go click on it, otherwise exercise some self control and don't.
You need bait, I’ve got some...
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