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Old 10-29-2019, 01:58 PM   #7
Pete F.
Join Date: Jun 2003
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
"What's the illegal action?

I didn't say there was an illegal action. I said it's an example of Obama asking a foreign power for a favor which would help him get reelected (obviously,Obama didn't want the voters to know his intentions regarding Russian missiles until after his election was behind him). Does that sound familiar, sound like any part of why Trump is being impeached? If it's OK for Obama to ask for a favor which would benefit him politically, why can't Trump do it?
Because it is a violation of his oath of office, to ask a foreign government for assistance in his election.

"Obama was quoted the following day saying he wasn’t trying to “hide the ball,”"

And if you're going to believe what Obama says in a prepared statement after he got caught on a hot mic and take his word for it, we can take Trump at his word.

"The three senators sent this public letter asking the Ukrainian Prosecutor General to answer some questions regarding interference and cooperation with the ongoing Mueller investigation. "

In other words, they asked a foreign power to assist/investigate in getting dirt on a political rival. Does that sound familiar, sound like any part of why Trump is being impeached? If it's OK for senate democrats to ask a foreign power to assist in the investigation of a political rival, why isn't it OK for Trump to do it?

I guess it would have been ok if instead of sending an official letter as members of Congress, they had asked Rudy to do it for them with the assistance of a couple hirelings of Russian Oligarchs

As to Biden, your response completely ignored the evidence that Biden's family, namely his son, personally benefitted from Biden's actions as VP. You dodged that issue completely. But if Biden can use the leverage of a quid pro quo to benefit his son, why can't Trump do the same to benefit himself? I'm not saying the prosecutor didn't deserve to be fired, I'm saying someone else should have pressured them to do it, someone whose son didn't have a lot at risk.

What evidence is there that Hunter Biden's hiring was in exchange for anything? As far as pressure goes, lot's of other organizations wanted the corruption in Ukraine stopped, Biden was chosen to be the spokesman for the USA.

None of this will matter. He's probably getting impeached in the house, obviously not convicted in they Senate, and the voters can decide if the impeachment was legit or a sham based on previous similar actions that were OK at the time, and which you defend today.

Then the IG and Durham reports will come out, which you have already made up your mind are a sham, and which most conservatives have already made up their minds is legit.

I go where facts and common sense take me. In this case, I can make a very compelling case that Trump is being held to a different standard than Obama, senate democrats, and Biden. I don't believe that because I want it to be true (that's what you and Spence do), I believe it because the facts suggest it's true. If Trump in fact committed an impeachable offense, I'd be happy to see him impeached, I like Pence a lot better. Nicer guy, more truly conservative.
Kelley told Trump that if he hired a yes-man, he would be impeached.
There are plenty of people in this administration that know the truth and it is starting to open up.
Sondland is next, he will recant his testimony and I expect, admit that Trump told him to say there is no quid pro quo.
This is not the Trump Organization, it's the US government and it is hard to hide the underhanded BS like Trump did for years in his business. There's a reason he was party to thousands of lawsuits, in fact if you google "party to thousands of lawsuits" guess who is number one.
Things in Trumpland will crash fast, until weeks before his resignation Republicans stood firmly behind Nixon.

Frasier: Niles, I’ve just had the most marvelous idea for a website! People will post their opinions, cheeky bon mots, and insights, and others will reply in kind!

Niles: You have met “people”, haven’t you?

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