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Old 11-04-2019, 11:14 AM   #8
Pete F.
Join Date: Jun 2003
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
you dodged my question. one does that when they know they’ve backed themselves into a corner.

you stated that the difference was that biden did it ( “it” being, threatening to withhold aid to get a foreign power to do something which would benefit him politically, in the open), while trump
did it privately. your words, not mine.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
I didn't dodge your question, you just cannot accept that the Con man did anything wrong.

The difference is Trump committed Extortion, Bribery and Abuse of Power by using the money appropriated by Congress to try and get dirt on his opponent and has demonstrated consciousness of guilt by engaging in a coverup and other examples of obstruction.

Biden did his job.

Was there an attempted coverup?
Why was the file hidden in a secret server?
Why was Vindman told not to discuss the call?
Why did the OGC feel it necessary to hide the conversation?
Why was the aid released 2 days after the whistleblower report was made and very shortly after the IG went to the OGC with the report?

Then name one piece of “false information” in the whistleblower complaint. One.

Now Trump's retreat is falling back from Biden did it also, to alternative facts.

Trump's new demand that Rs falsify congressional testimony shows how his propaganda works:

1) Trump/Rs claim that witnesses testified in private collapsed

2) When transcripts show that's BS, media has moved on

3) Trump/Rs are directed to substitute a set of lies, there's a tweet for that

Now his latest idea is to threaten to shut down the Government.
Threatening that unless Congress stops impeaching you is exactly the kind of behavior one should be impeached for.

The facade and walls of the malignant narcissist deranged conman are crumbling, piece by piece.

Frasier: Niles, I’ve just had the most marvelous idea for a website! People will post their opinions, cheeky bon mots, and insights, and others will reply in kind!

Niles: You have met “people”, haven’t you?

Lets Go Darwin
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