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Old 11-06-2019, 06:32 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
As long as you claim it it must be true

Thanks for claiming that. But I stand on what I said as being true. Rebut it if you can.

Long economic expansions are always felt as safer the longer they last. This one started under Obama and has continued steadily since.

None last forever--few, if any, without interruptions. Determining the start point in a continuously fluid national economy is prone to biased interpretation. Where we are now started around 1776--with bumps and changes evolving to what we have now.

If we must attribute an economy to the President who presides over it, then Trump's economy is better than Obama's. I don't see the damage it has created that must, as you say, be fixed.

This administration has chosen which businesses had to pay tariffs.

Businesses that created a competitive advantage for themselves by buying foreign components or manufacturing in foreign countries.

Redistribution of income, choosing who can succeed is socialism.

That is nonsense. All buying and selling redistributes income. And that process "chooses" success and failure. Businesses fail annually by the thousands because they are not able to redistribute others incomes into their coffers. That is not socialism.

What we commonly, politically, refer to as redistribution of income, is government taking of income by taxes and directly redistributing it to those who have done nothing to get it, buy it, or earn it. That kind of redistribution of income is not the collateral effect of competition nor the monopolization of manufacturing nor the gaining of competitive edge by avoiding taxes and regulations, nor of hiring cheaper labor or buying cheaper resources, nor the placing of tariffs on any of those practices.

Tariffs were the only tax the USA had for more than a century.

I essentially said that in a bit lengthy edit of my post while you were replying, so didn't see your post till after I finished editing. So, indeed, tariffs are not a new tax for Americans as you claimed.

Trump is more protectionist than Bernie and he threatened to penalize Harley if they offshored their production to offset the retaliatory tariffs.
He’s a conman
Protectionism is not socialism. As I said, the founders were protectionists, and for good reason. Our national sovereignty is in a vulnerable position now because much of the strong manufacturing sector that we once had, and which produced all we needed for defense has been "offshored" to foreign nations, some of which are now our greatest enemies.

There is no "con" in trying to correct that. Nor will it be easy. Nor does opposing everything Trump tries to do helpful.

Last edited by detbuch; 11-06-2019 at 10:52 PM..
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