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Old 11-07-2019, 10:15 AM   #40
Pete F.
Join Date: Jun 2003
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
Lindsey's view in specific on the impeachment inquiry "This, to me, is a manufactured issue created by some unknown whistleblower who needs to be known, and the phone call is the basis for the impeachment allegation," "I don’t think the president did anything wrong."
And now Lindsey is taking the goalposts and going home, because there is no defense to what Trump did.

Start here with Colludy

Rudy Giuliani
The investigation I conducted concerning 2016 Ukrainian collusion and corruption, was done solely as a defense attorney to defend my client against false charges, that kept changing as one after another were disproven.

So is this what he is saying: I was directed by the President to conduct foreign policy to further his personal interests, not to serve the American people.

That’s devastatingly incriminating for Trump, in terms of both impeachment and the criminal law.

Or perhaps you still don't understand even one of the crimes committed.

Maybe it would help you to understand if the facts were applied to a CEO. If we learned that Jamie Dimon's personal lawyer, on Dimon's orders, was sabotaging the company and its profits to defend Jamie personally, that would obviously be a breach of his duties to JPM.

Or if you are in my field, construction: Imagine you’re accepting bids for a job for your employer. You tell one of the bidders that you’ll award him the contract if he tells your employer that one of your rivals for a promotion was taking bribes from bidders on the job. Your employer would fire you.

Or—you’re a company salesman and the company gives you a credit card to use on your sales trip. You take the credit card and throw a big party for yourself. If the company catches you, you get fired, and they report you to the cops.

Here, Floridaman wasn’t playing with a measly credit card; he was abusing the powers of the presidency for his own personal benefit— including withholding hundreds of millions of dollars in congressionally appropriated military aid to an ally against Russian hegemony.

Frasier: Niles, I’ve just had the most marvelous idea for a website! People will post their opinions, cheeky bon mots, and insights, and others will reply in kind!

Niles: You have met “people”, haven’t you?

Lets Go Darwin
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