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Old 11-16-2019, 11:33 AM   #15
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
That Giuliani was secretly conspiring with Ukrainians running a smear campaign against her to give Trump cover for removal so she couldn't block his corrupt attempts to get investigations into the Bidens and Russian hacking at the expense of US security and solely to help Trump's reelection campaign.

And her testimony was so compelling she got a standing ovation.

That's not a conspiracy theory Jim, it's all laid out as bare as can be in the testimony of highly regarded non-partisan bureaucrats...and there's a lot more to come.
"running a smear campaign against her to give Trump cover for removal"

But he doesn't NEED cover for her removal, everyone in the executive branch serves at his pleasure. It's common for new presidents to come in, clean house, and put their own people in. He doesn't need just cause.

She also made mutually exclusive statements about when she first heard about what the Bidens were doing there, one minute she claimed she had no knowledge of Hunter working there until Trump was POTUS, later on she testified that the Obama administration briefed her on what Hunter was doing there. What ese is she wrong or lying about?

"And her testimony was so compelling she got a standing ovation."

Big whoop, your side gives standing ovations to convicted rapist Roman Polanski. Anyone who is a self-perceived victim gets a standing ovation.

You're very impressed by standing ovations I see.

"and there's a lot more to come"

I hope so for your side, there hasn't been anything substantial yet.
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