Thread: Beck is back.
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Old 11-19-2019, 08:53 PM   #1
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Beck is back.

I know that Glenn Beck has been "discredited," but I think that was all a hit job because he was too effective. I was disenchanted with him for a while because he seemed to have abandoned who he was and had caved to those who wanted to destroy him. I stumbled on this video while searching for interesting you tube divertissements. It's about two hours which seems to be too long for most on this forum. But I think he has put together some intensive research backed by various documents and historical records that provides possible insight into some of the current international and American political events, including the impeachment inquiry.

It starts with historical background which is very interesting, though maybe too detailed for some impatient minds but, as Beck is wont to do, it builds and adds up to a coherent look at what's happening.

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