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Old 11-26-2019, 03:40 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
That is what the Trumplicans are trying desperately to make it sound like, but while it sounds good it is not the truth.
Dang! I thought I had a unique, facetious, twist on the over analyzed conspiracy of Trump's supposed "extortion," or is it "bribery," or is it "quid pro quo," or whatever it is. Didn't know that Trumplicans were also facetiously accusing Zelensky of extortion.

Oh well . . .

So Trump thought that he had the legal authority to hold funds upon assuring that the money would not just be funneled into a cesspool of corruption. He had expressed concerns about that corruption for some time before that. And so others think he didn't have the authority. And that he caved into releasing the money because he got "caught."

A simpler explanation is that he was informed that in the continuing resolution the House inserted that the money was going to be released and that the Senate would agree, not block, it. So Trump really had no choice but to let it go.

Typical power play between Congress and the Executive, and Congress won.
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