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Old 12-04-2019, 01:24 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
I have to laugh at the pompous, self-important cockiness of Canadian and European "World Leaders." Or is it just that Trump hurts their feelings?

Still haven't found that Trump said he would not commit to article 5. I Kind of like his criticisms of NATO. They are honest criticisms, not snide backbiting ploys to destroy it. Calling it obsolete may be too general, but some specifics may well be. It certainly is not a call to scrap it, but a call to fix it. Not contributing fair economic share seems like something that should be pointed out. It's apparently OK, though, for the superior other "World Leaders," like Macron, to criticize NATO.

Would it be a good thing if the U.S. was kicked out of NATO and the superior Europeans took on its burden entirely themselves. The superior European "World Leaders" have always sort of looked at the U.S. as an overgrown somewhat boorish, unsophisticated and backward looking adolescent. No doubt Europe's superior thinkers could do a bang up job of protecting themselves. Well . . . you know . . . after they all got on the same page and quit criticizing each other.
the pompous, self-important cockiness of Canadian and European "World Leaders."

that's a comical statement seeing you dont mind Trumps pompous, self-important cockiness..

This incident speaks volumes more about Trump the thoses Leaders and how he has squandered American credibility you reap what you sow
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