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Old 12-06-2019, 02:30 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
i’m not clueless. What i said is true. One of the legal experts the democrats asked to testify if he should be impeached, is so deranged with trump hatred that she admitted she crossed the street rather than walk on the sidewalk in front of a building that has his name on it. That is beyond crazy, and she is the one they asked to testify? She also had that pathetic, rehearsed applause line about Trumps son, hardy har har.

Trumps defense, as you said is that he didn’t do it, nor did anyone provide any direct evidence that he did it. I think he probably did it, but in any event, Biden also used quid pro quo, and senate democrats also asked a foreign power to investigate a political rival, and no one is/was asking for them to be impeached. So it's fairly clear there’s a double standard.

“their task was based on testimony can he be impeached.”. Agreed. But who gives a damn about how someone answers that question, who hates Trump so much that she won’t walk on the sidewalk in front of a building with his name on it? She’s not impartial, not even close.

You’re right it’s not going to stop. Trump isn’t going to behave, and thanks in part to your sides inability to nominate anyone to the right of Pol Pot, he’s very possibly going to get re elected. So a good chance of 4 more years of listening to liberal bratty temper tantrums.

Obama liked to say, elections have consequences. Suck it up like i did from 2009-2016.

There are plenty of sheep
on the right. I’m not one of them. Not even close.
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Jim it appears in your mind only you and republicans can walk and chew gum at the same time

it's lame that you and republicans think that..
if you ever gave money to a democrat or voted for 1 you are unable to pass legal judgment on a republican .. this crying of Bias only works in your victimized world you and republicans have created to a point where it ends and reality starts , is so blurry you can't tell ...

you'll insist this not True the republicans will insist this is not true , but yours and theirs written words and spoken words .. tell a different storie altogether .. even when faced with this record in the future

Trump his supporters now portray experts as untrustworthy and contemptuous elites out to subvert the will of ordinary Americans.

And the base it dumb enough to believe it ..
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