Thread: Latest poll
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Old 12-07-2019, 08:14 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Raider Ronnie View Post

I do have a few issues with our President Donald Trump.

This economy is so good (BEST OF OUR LIFETIME) that sitting in traffic is a daily thing because record numbers of vehicles are on the roads going to work every day and add in the fact price of gas & diesel has been low and stable, not bouncing up & down

Trying to go to a restaurant for dinner (any day of the week) long lines and waiting list for a table 🤭

Every where I drive there is unsightly construction going on. I go into Boston and cranes everywhere blocking the view of the city skyline 🤭

Ronnie....I have worked building homes for over 45 years. Right now the demand for new homes is as high as I have ever seen it. We are working like mad trying to keep up. Customers are not hesitating because they know if they dont buy..someone else will.
Obviously it is the very strong economy driving this buying.

Most all the guys I work with, (except those with questionable legal status) support the President and his policies.
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