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Old 12-07-2019, 02:54 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
Trump wants to make some changes to the federal food stamp program, liberals of course are claiming that Republicans want poor people to all starve to death.

The changes? People on food stamps who are able bodied, able minded, who have no children, and who are younger than 50...must do something (work, volunteer, get job training) for 20 hours a week in order to receive federal assistance. ( that has always been the rule many states expanded this beyond 3 months ) States can grant waivers to this requirement for welfare recipients who live in areas with very high unemployment.

Now states will only be able to issue waivers if the unemployment rate is over 6%, and waiver applications will require complex data and specificity.Obviously, the change is aimed at people who could EASILY work if they wanted to, but who choose not to.

The argument against this, is what, exactly?
funny way to be fiscally responsible off the backs of 688,000 people for roughly $160 in food purchases for three months they sure are getting over on uncle sam...
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