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Old 12-10-2019, 12:49 PM   #41
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Note what Barr did not say. Nor did he say the FBI violated any internal policy. .
The IG report said that. Barr didn't have to. The IG report said there were serious mistakes by the DOJ in seeking to suspend the constitutional rights of an American citizen.

Is that true, or is it false?

I don't work at the DOJ, I have no idea how common it is to commit serious mistakes when seeking to suspend the rights of a citizen. I hope it's not standard practice. If it's not, and I presume it's not (since overseeing the DOJ is a big part of Obama's job), why so many mistakes in this one case? Was there anything special about spying on the Trump campaign, that motivated the DOJ to make serious mistakes in its quest to get permission to spy on them?

Or did Obama's DOJ routinely make a large number of serious mistakes when making applications to the FISA court? I have no idea, neither does anyone here...

Which is it? Did Obama's DOJ routinely make a large number of serious mistakes when applying for FISA warrants, meaning there was nothing special about this case?? Or did they normally go by the book, but screw up big time when it came to Carter Page? That's a very, very key question.
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