Thread: Who said this?
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Old 12-10-2019, 06:36 PM   #24
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
What does Christianity have to do with Floridaman?
It has to do with Obama, who had no problem trying to force Christian to surrender their religious freedom, in order to force them to pay for elective abortions. In separate lawsuits, the Little Sisters of the Poor, and the owners of Hobby Lobby, successfully sued to get their religious freedom back. The Supreme Court ruled that what Obama tried to force them to do, was unconstitutional.

Christians have no such worries under Trump. Not saying he's a Christian by any stretch, but I don't see him telling me that my religion is exempt from the benefit of the First Amendment.

Any of that wrong?

Interestingly, the Obama administration ruled that Muslim truck drivers could not be forced to transport alcohol. The Obama administration said that you can't force Muslims to abandon their religious beliefs while at work. Clearly, Obama didn't think that right extended to Christians when it came to providing for abortions, or when it comes to gay marriage. Some animals are more equal than others...

Last edited by Jim in CT; 12-10-2019 at 06:49 PM..
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