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Old 12-18-2019, 09:16 AM   #28
Pete F.
Join Date: Jun 2003
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
I read the letter, and you, "sir," are a slanderous liar. It was a solid letter that expressed what many Americans think about Pelosi and this impeachment. Trump did not "attack" Pelosi's so-called faith. The idea that she and the rest of the Democrats are praying for Trump, or that they are so terribly sad about what they are doing is worse than a mere joke. Are you praying for Trump? Are you sad that he is being impeached? Are the rest of the Dems including Pelosi better and more righteous than you? It is a bald faced lie in the face of the American public. Such a lie given to the people of this nation, who she supposedly serves, and to the God that she supposedly worships, speaks of her lack of character, to say the least, not Jim's.

And there was no "open attempt" to incite civil disorder. You show the deranged "interpretation" of everything Trump says or does, and you display your own lack of character when you say stuff like this.

The letter was "perfect," as Trump might say. Maybe too perfect, hinting that he may have had some help. Then, maybe not. Maybe he wrote it completely on his own. And it was meant, as he said, as a historical document so that future generations would have a better perspective on how his Presidency was attacked from the very beginning, with bogus investigations and baseless calls for impeachment.
He's guilty, the evidence clearly shows it.
You're assuming and Floridaman's defense is that he actually cares about corruption.
If Floridaman truly was a corruption fighter, he would not have cut funding for corruption and instead attacked corruption in the world. If Biden was caught up in one of the many corruption investigations who could have complained.

That's not what happened.

Let’s imagine that investigating “corruption” isn’t just a convenient excuse for Floridaman to extort Ukraine’s new president into interfering in our elections by staining the character of his potential political rival Joe Biden, and absolving Russia of guilt for the 2016 hacks of the Democratic National Committee — possibly so Vladimir Putin will conspire to elect him, again.

Let’s take Floridaman at his word that he’s very concerned about even the appearance of family members wringing cash from a president or vice president who shares their name.

Let’s pretend that the man going to the Supreme Court to hide tax returns he promised to reveal dozens of times actually cares about unethical behavior. Because if he did, he’d be so busy investigating his own administration that he’d have to give up all his favorite pastimes — being the friend in "Fox and Friends," yelling at women on Twitter and helping Republicans lose governorships in red states.

Where would Floridaman begin if he were truly bothered by the corruption closest to him?

For the sake of his marriage, let’s dismiss the fact that he has never explained how his wife became a citizen after working in this country without a visa and got an Einstein visa without a college degree. And let’s suppose that getting his daughter and son-in-law security clearances over the objection of almost everyone who cares about national security was an act of fatherly love.

Let’s skip his campaign, after noting that his former campaign chair and co-chair, along with two of his closest advisers, have been convicted of multiple crimes. And we’ll just submit for the record that he shut down his foundation after New York state filed a lawsuit charging "extensive and persistent" illegal conduct, including holding a political fundraising rally for veterans under the auspices of the foundation and he paid a fine of $2 million.

Let’s begin with Floridaman’s grown sons, the ones he didn’t want working in the White House.

“I wish my name was Hunter Biden," Jr. recently said. "I could go abroad, make millions off of my father's presidency. I would be a really rich guy.”

Don Jr. may not be aware of this, or of anything that requires self-awareness, but the company he allegedly runs is still owned by his father, who refused to clearly divest from it, in violation of 19 promises to do so.

The Scam Floridaman Organization has been implicated in money laundering, tax scams and the rampant hiring of undocumented workers.

You could make the case that a president's sons should not even get near a “corrupt company,” as Rep. Stefanik, did during impeachment hearings last week.

Of course, Stefanik was talking about Hunter Biden’s work on the board of the Ukrainian company Burisma — not Jr. and his brother’s employment at a company whose two biggest growth areas are generating conflicts of interest and using their dad’s influence to fuel a fundraising pyramid scheme. But boys in their mid 30s and early 40s will be boys.

Let’s move on to the strange case of Floridaman’s 75-year-old lawyer, former U.S. attorney and New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

First of all, since Floridaman isn't paying Rudy, who is? The onetime American hero needs the cash, if you believe his butt dials.

Floridaman also should find out what Rudy was doing with Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, who were trying to leave the country when they were arrested on charges of conspiring to violate bans on foreign and straw donors. Why did Parnas get a million dollars from a Russian Oligarch and just who else is he funding? Contributions from his corporation to many Republicans.

Floridaman also needs to examine what appears to be Rudy’s attempt to use connections to the president to cash in on the Ukrainian energy sector (in other words, exactly what Republicans accuse Hunter Biden of doing). Federal prosecutors looking into the scheme would surely appreciate the help.

Impeachment was made for Floridaman

Finally, if Trump truly cared about corruption, he could spend the next thousand years investigating Floridaman.

To do this properly, he would welcome an investigation into the vast allegations of tax fraud against him and his family that led his sister, a former federal judge, to resign rather than face an inquiry. At the very least, he should figure out why he owes $50 million to a business he owns, because it looks a lot like a tax dodge.

Then there are his possible mafia ties, his strange relationship to a very generous Russian oligarch, and his obvious conflicts of interest with Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

The truth is that if Floridaman cared about corruption, he would be a huge fan of impeachment. As House Intel Chairman Schiff said, the Founders put impeachment in the Constitution "because they wanted a powerful anti-corruption mechanism when that corruption came from the highest office in the land."

But Floridaman’s concerns here are far more sinister and obvious. If he’s looking into corruption, it’s for one simple reason. He wants to do more of it.

Frasier: Niles, I’ve just had the most marvelous idea for a website! People will post their opinions, cheeky bon mots, and insights, and others will reply in kind!

Niles: You have met “people”, haven’t you?

Lets Go Darwin
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