Thread: Iran
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Old 01-03-2020, 10:04 AM   #12
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Our country has, quite self-consciously, given one person, the President, an enormous sprawling military and enormous discretion to use it in ways that can easily lead to a massive war. That is our system: one person decides.

I think Floridaman is an incompetent conman, in way over his head, who has systematically dismantled a large tranche of support, both within his government and from other nations. Based on his record in office, I fear that the people who typically would and that we as a country need to help shoulder the load will approach this like they would any madman with a gun. Very warily and unwilling to destroy their careers or endanger their countries for someone who will throw you under the bus in a heartbeat.

Now Jim will as always jump to his defense.
"I think Floridaman is an incompetent conman"

No sh*t.

"who has systematically dismantled a large tranche of support, both within his government and from other nations"

Please provide some evidence, any evidence, that the world supports us less now, than they did in 2016. Mexico is, for the first time in a long time, putting troops on its southern border to stem the tide of illegals from Central America. Mexico did that for Trump, not for Obama, not for Bush. Trump pulled that off.

We recently signed a new trade agreement with Canada & Mexico that was well received. Canada & Mexico didn't refuse to come to the table because of Trump.

Huge numbers of the world's poor and desperate still want to come here. The Hong Kong protesters were waving the American flag for God's sake. So where is the evidence that our standing on the international stage, has taken a meaningful hit, because Trump is a jerk? You can shriek it as many times as you want. That doesn't make it so. The evidence doesn't support your claim.

"Now Jim will as always jump to his defense"

Everyone here knows that is a crock, a pathetic, desperate attempt by you to make me appear to be a thoughtless, braindead defender of Trump. I'm nothing close to that. He is truly a morally bankrupt egomaniac. That doesn't mean he's not a good executive.

You like to claim, correctly, that Obama inherited an economic mess. And he responded well. Similarly, Trump has inherited the godawful mess in the middle east, at a time when China and Russia are really on the rise (which advanced significantly under Obama's watch, not that I'm sure he could have stopped it). Let's see what Trump does. I have no problem with the original airstrike, nor do I have a problem with how quickly he sent Marines to defend the embassy. While I won't mourn the passing of the Iranian leader we killed, I'm not saying we should have done it. I don't know yet. But right now, our country is better off that this guy is dead.

I wish Mattis was still there.
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