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Old 01-14-2020, 10:06 AM   #1
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
You lost me at deep state.
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
You've been lost since Trump got elected. Deep state is just a label for the conglomeration of existing intel, criminal, and other, federal agencies. It's not some mysterious, unknown, secret cabal. Bongino was actually a part of "the deep state" for a while. The "deep state" actually is populated by mostly good, dedicated, patriotic employees who do important work to make the country secure. When a few at the top take it on themselves to decide who should be the President, they are a danger to the security of the nation, and they should be exposed, removed, prosecuted, and steps should be taken that it never happens again.

Bongino shows how the correction that is supposed to occur as a result of the Horowitz investigation may well be sabotaged. I wouldn't expect you to care about that because the Progressive media that you rely on didn't tell you about it. You know, the media that mislead you about who would 100% win in 2016, and who insisted that Trump was in Putin's pocket and "colluded" with Russia, and who consistently tie Trump to Nazis, racists, homophobes, mysogenists, etc., which supposedly makes him all of those things.

Bongino, and other non-Progressive alternative media predicted the Trump victory, as well as being nearly 100% correct about the "collusion" nonsense, pointing out many of the details that Horowitz found before Horowitz found them. He has been spot on re this stuff all the while the Progressive media were spouting nonsense.

So yeah, you're lost . . . led astray by biased reporting, commentating, and bad "deep state" actors.
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