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Old 01-25-2020, 11:13 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by wdmso View Post
Another one who lives in a fantasy we have open borders and athe US pays for them and he needs to stem an issue that doesn't exist shocking ,

Since 2005 illegal immigration has steadily gone down.
The "caravan" form basically started after Trump was elected. They freely traveled through Mexico, often even aided by Mexico, to the US border. Once crossing the border, they were taught to claim asylum so that they could not be returned without a lengthy court process and many just disappeared into the U.S. population.

Due to Trump's negotiations, Mexico is now stopping the caravans from getting to the U.S. And migrants who claim asylum have to do so in the first country (Mexico) they enter. There are many ways that illegals have used to get and stay here. This is one that threatened to grow into a huge mess unless stopped.
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