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Old 01-28-2020, 09:31 AM   #4
Jim in CT
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Wayne, the CNN panel wasn't attacking Trump. They were making fun of people who voted for Trump. Do you understand the difference?

You're justifying what CNN did, by pointing out (correctly, no one is arguing with you) that Trump is a vindictive jerk.

Bill Clinton was a serial abuser of women. Does that give me the right to make fun of everyone who voted for him? No, because voting for a president, isn't an endorsement of everything that president has ever said or done.

Obama admitted to using cocaine earlier in his life. I've never seen a Foxnews panel suggest that everyone who voted for Obama is a crackhead.

I cannot stand the way Trump acts, and I can't begin to fathom how someone can be so arrogant, entitled, and hedonistic. However, I am convinced that the country is better off, than we would be if Hilary had won. That's why I voted for him. Doesn't make me a toothless cracker from Appalachia, any more than voting for Obama makes you a gangbanger who wears his pants down by his knees and spends all day smoking crack and cashing welfare checks and making babes you'll never see.
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