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Old 01-28-2020, 11:45 AM   #69
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
I'd like to see Bolton testify, no reason not to. The more facts we have, the better.

WDMSO, would you be OK with allowing Bolton to testify, if in return, we asked the Bidens to testify?

You're acting as if only Republicans want to hide the facts. The truth is, there are some Republican senators (Romney, Collins) who are open to the idea of letting Bolton testify. I haven't heard one single democrat say that we should also get to the bottom of what the Biden's were doing.

So which side wants the facts, and which side is covering up? It's not as one-sided as you are trying to portray it to be. Not even close.

Your side is interested in presenting all facts which will hurt Trump. They're not interested in much else.

Wayne, isn't it best if we know what Bolton has to say, AND we also know if Hunter used daddy's connections to get a cushy job? If not, just come out and say that you're only interested in facts that fit your agenda.

Hunter is a weirdo and a complete scumbag (what kind of a man is a millionaire, but only pays child support because a judge orders him to?). I'd like to know what he and daddy were doing there. Just as I'd like to know what Bolton has to say.

Again you sound all reasonable then off the rails you go with the Bidens crap.. Hell , why not call capt crunch to testify

Ok here is your chance Tell us how Having biden testify Has any relevance to the 2 articles of impeachment currently being argued in the Senate in the president's defense

Last edited by wdmso; 01-28-2020 at 12:02 PM..
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