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Old 01-29-2020, 02:47 PM   #40
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Read it for yourself

You chased me from one thread to another trying to bring me down to your level.

Not afraid to call me a Jew hater, Omar or other names because I quoted Ilan Goldenberg or dared to criticize Floridaman's latest stupidity. Definitely demonstrated your prejudices once again.

So congratulations, I'm glad you have impressed yourself and the rest of the Trumplicans.

Now go chase your tail
"You chased me from one thread to another trying to bring me down to your level"

Because you said that what distinguishes Trump from Obama in terms of kids in cages is the number of times he did it, I merely asked you what the magic number is. How many is OK, how many is too many? Obviously that's an insane argument, and you know you aren't going to be able to come up with any threshold which a child wouldn't laugh at, so you went at my mother.

I was trying to get you to clarify your stated position. That's bringing you down to my level? Makes no sense...

"Not afraid to call me a Jew hater"

You said that it's problematic for Jews to work on a Mideast peace treaty, and you said it was "gross" that only Jews were on the stage. Your words. Sounds anti-Semitic to me. And I don't play the bigot card regularly.

"I'm glad you have impressed yourself and the rest of the Trumplicans"

TDF is a Trumplican now?? Wow. When you have to call HIM a Trumplican, that shows you how deep into the Twilight Zone you are.

Take a deep breath. TDF is one of the most level-headed and nonpartisan guys here. He really is. Think about what he said to you, and why he of all people, felt compelled to say it. He's not me or SD, he doesn't come out here looking to stir the pot. Ask yourself what you had to do, to trigger that reaction from someone who everyone would say is fair and level-headed.

I'd say you and I are about done on this forum. You're a predictable, thoughtless, mean-spirited, vulgar, cowardly, bitter, desperate, deeply and pathetically insecure, pimple of a person. And every single person here knows it. You have an awful lot in common, with the guy you spend every waking second trying to criticize. Very little daylight between you and Trump. Kind of funny when you look at it that way.
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