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Old 01-30-2020, 01:51 PM   #4
Jim in CT
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I'm also curious to know who the left-leaning folks here want to win the nomination, or who they think will win the nomination.

I think Biden has the best chance in the general, but he seems to really be fading (not in the polls, but his sharpness and energy and stamina). As a Trump supporter, he's the one I'm most fearful of, because I think he has the best chance of being able to portray himself as a moderate. But it's humiliating for him that the Obamas won't endorse him.

The others? Can any of them relate to people in the middle of the country? Will any of them get blacks to turn out in big numbers? Interestingly, blacks are by far the most moderate large block of voters on the left. They don't like Bernie or Mayor Pete, can't imagine they'd get too excited about Warren. They didn't love Hilary.
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