Thread: And I am Done!
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Old 02-06-2020, 10:03 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by afterhours View Post
Ross, agreeing with 80% of policy is about the same as me. My main issues with him are on the conservation end of things. I also do not like the mans behavior one bit, although he makes me chuckle now and again. Like JR said 1a and 2a are very important in my book as well. IMO our country is heading in a good direction economy wise, trade imbalances corrections, border security, military strength. If you waste your vote no way you'll get someone who'll you agree with on 80% of policy. I try to stay out of this forum except to peek in for amusement .
Excellent point about finding another with 80% parallel position, Don. As is second amendment.
However, I fear we may look back at this period and say, "what the hell were you/we thinking? How could you not see this developing?" History will be the judge, but the man's personal characteristics and lack of morals are too dangerous to ignore, never mind him being in the penultimate office of the land.
It should be up to his supporters to demand some change in his MO. Otherwise he continues to just be empowered to tweet and destroy any and all who cross him....

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