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Old 02-21-2020, 01:44 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Originally Posted by detbuch
So they could give more arms to Ukraine,
Arms don't help when the continued support of Russia (Donald Trump meets Russia's top diplomat at White House, etc.) in the Ukraine is rapidly eroding Zelensky's popular support. I will be surprised if he lasts till our election.

Well, if arms don't help, we shouldn't be upset about a delay in sending them. I guess they help our economy when Ukraine pays for them. Damn that Trump--he should stop meeting Russian diplomats. We would be much safer and world peace would be more greatly advanced if he would stop talking with the Russians.

drill more oil and natural gas to keep the price down and hurt the Russian economy,

Rosstat said growth in the natural resources industries, including the production of gas and gas condensate — which jumped by more than 10% — was the biggest contributor to growth over the year.
Saudi Arabia and Russia appear to be heading toward the fourth consecutive year of OPEC+ collaboration when producers gather in early March. A continuation of the output cuts agreement with a possible deepening of agreed reductions is widely anticipated.
Russian consumer demand rises in January on growing real income levels.

Like I said, our increased production keeps the price down. I would suppose other oil producing nations would want to fight that by decreasing production. Either way, it hurts their economy.

continue to strengthen NATO,

His brilliant move to let the Turks into Syria just might be the end of NATO as we know it. Things are breaking there.

His insistence that Europe's countries pay more into NATO strengthens it and sends the message that Europe must more greatly support NATO. That, in effect, ended NATO as we knew it. So what did NATO do to stop Turkey?

slow China's economy down,

Morgan Stanley says China’s first-quarter growth could fall as low as 3.5% due to coronavirus, still 1% better than ours. He'll probably take credit for Coronavirus

It used to be more than 1% better than ours. And the trade war has led to a weakening growth in China's economy. And if Coronavirus expands, especially here, you will blame Trump. If it doesn't, no way you'll give Trump any credit.

Boost the American economy,

US GDP growth is the same as it has been for the last 10 years, and he has the deficit up to a Trillion. Just like his other bankruptcies

GDP growth remaining the same in a wealthier economy means an actual rise in growth. Same rate, but larger numbers.

maintain sanctions on Russia and Iran

What happened to the sanctions on Deripaska and the other oligarchs?

Congress made that decision. And it was heavily influenced by our beloved Europeans--Ambassadors from Austria, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Sweden, the U.K. and the E.U. sent a letter to Democratic House Committee Chairman Eliot Engel lobbying for the end of sanctions on

U.S. President Donald Trump ordered Attorney General William Barr to drop charges against state-run Halkbank, now accused of seeking to circumvent U.S. sanctions on Iran, to deal with persistent Turkish pressure

Halbank is Turkish, not Russian. According to the Hill: "Justice Department spokeswoman Kerri Kupec said The New York Times report “grossly mischaracterizes” the attorney general’s conversations with Bolton and that Barr never had any discussions of “personal favors” or “undue influence,” nor did he think the president’s communications with foreign leaders were “improper.”

, stretch Russia's resources as it further involves into the Middle East, create a space force to counter and beat China to it and the power to control the space grid, and a bunch of other small stuff which obviously can't compare to your or Pete's drips.

Just keep believing the conman
Keep trying to make everything Trump does, or says, or thinks, or wants, or implies, or suggests, or criticizes, or makes sarcastic fun of, or supports, or is in contact with, or breathes, a destruction of America, of the Constitution, evil, wrong . . . and that anything or anyone that opposes him, no matter how idiotic, dingbat, socialist, corrupt, will actually save us if only we all would embrace them rather than giving Trump even a slight nod of credit, or ability . . . and keep telling us that we are no better off now than under Obama, actually worse off and about to collapse into some pit of political and economic horror even though Trump is just living off of Obama policies.
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