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Old 02-25-2020, 02:41 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
The reason for higher courts, is to correct mistakes of lower courts. If anyone know this is should be Sotomayor, who was routinely overruled, usually unanimously so, when people appealed her idiotic decisions.

Her publicly stated racist positions (female Latinas have superior life experience to everyone else, which explains why so many women risk their lives to immigrate to Mexico), would render her unable to serve on a jury, yet there she is on the supreme court. Hooray!

Love the non relevant topic once again you have no issues with Trump avoiding checks and balances.. and no issues of the court allowing the administration to circumvent the process
heres some info

ORDINARILY, the Supreme Court is a tribunal of last resort. Only after exhausting avenues for relief in the lower courts do parties tend to turn to America’s highest court—and, about 99 times out of 100, the justices refuse to take up their cases.

counts 21 times Mr Trump has made unusual requests to the justices in the first 30 months of his presidency. That is compared to eight requests during the 192 months of the George W. Bush and Barack Obama administrations. again context is lost when it comes to defending Trump

I bet this is ok as well For the past 18 months, Ginni Thomas, the wife of Justice Clarence Thomas, sent White House with memos and suggestions about which people to fire — and who should replace them. as not loyal
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