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Old 02-26-2020, 05:56 PM   #29
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Well, I see William Foster is getting wound up again. Actually the country would be very well served, if "your side" would pay less attention to things that people have absolutely zero control over, and which say absolutely nothing about their character or abilities.

Democrats have several times more women and several times more minorities than Republicans do in Congress. And old white males are much more predominant among Republicans. And if you are not Christian, fuhgeddaboudit you ain't getting in that club, with the exception of a couple token Jews.

But that doesn't match the victim narrative, does it?
"the country would be very well served, if "your side" would pay less attention to things that people have absolutely zero control over, and which say absolutely nothing about their character or abilities"

Please specify the things that people have no control over, which the GOP uses to divide the country on? I'm all ears...

"Democrats have several times more women and several times more minorities than Republicans do in Congress"

True, and the overwhelming majority of blacks vote democrat. I'd love to know why. I saw what decades of democrats control have done for blacks in my home state, in New Haven, Bridgeport and Hartford. I say those people deserve better and we need to try different ideas. Liberals say they need more of the same. You tell me which idea is racist, and why. Again, I'm all ears.

Democrats prefer their blacks aborted, but failing that, they like them addicted to welfare and safely contained in cities which the liberal elites will never spend any time in. With zero upward economic mobility.
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