Thread: Happy Sunday
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Old 03-02-2020, 01:54 PM   #29
Jim in CT
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So what we've learned from Pete just this week...

Last week's awful stock market results had nothing to do with corona virus, but were a sign of no confidence in Trump. His proof of this, is that when looking at a different point in time with a different disease and a different administration, the stock market didn't do exactly what it did last week.

He quoted an economist who is telling people to dump equities and put your nest egg in cash. Never mind that by doing so, you will likely miss out on the inevitable rebound, which is why all sane people advise against trying to time things that precisely.

He said that today was going to be a rough day, when the indices are way up.

He did admit that it was "unlikely" (but presumably not impossible in his mind), that anything he posts here, will influence the broad markets. Personally, I think he's really selling himself short. I can't fathom the markets going up unless he says things are healthy.
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