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Old 03-10-2020, 10:26 AM   #30
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND View Post
Good summary of the conditions at the time.
Where in the article did it say people were calling him a racist xenophobe?
The article didn't mention it. I've yet to hear many liberals admit that they have a habit of calling everyone who disagree with them about anything, a bigot. But that doesn't mean it doesn't happen all the time. Liberals aren't shy about denying irrefutable, factual, empirical evidence. This is why liberals in CT claim that tax-and-spend is our solution, despite evidence to the contrary, which doesn't deter liberals.

I googled "Trump racist China travel coronavirus", here's a sample of what I got as a result...

Just look at the headlines...

Bryan, I'm right-leaning, I proudly admit that (though I agree with liberals on gay marriage, the death penalty, and to some degree gun policy). But I don't make stuff up. I am at least as capable as anyone of being incorrect, but I don't lie. If I had to lie to support my beliefs, I'd change my beliefs. That's why I cherish my beliefs, because truth and common sense make them so easy to defend.

Spence refuses to concede that there was any kind of travel restrictions initiated by Trump. I saw the liberal response, I read some of these articles. I'm not saying the democrats running for president accused the restrictions of being racist, but many in the media did. Those restrictions were OBVIOUSLY necessary (likely didn't go far enough), they were implemented to try and save lives, but the media used it as a club against him, because they hate him.

On this board, Pete said explicitly that the stock market drop wasn't because of the virus but a sign that people don't trust Trump, and WDMSO says that Trump's plan to provide some income guarantees to hourly workers, is really a sinister plot to help the markets instead of helping working people. Trump can't do anything right for a lot of thee people, that's obviously true. Trump brings a lot of criticism on himself - a whole lot. He's a crude, crass, jerk, and a pathetic excuse for a husband and a father. None of that can be denied. But there's all kinds of evidence that he does have some empathy for those less fortunate. Many here can't bring themselves to admit that. I don't include you in that group, you're very reasonable.

Now since you know a lot about science, do you have any idea how they may have traced the origins of the virus to Chinese people eating a weird looking animal? How do scientists answer these questions so quickly? Never ceases to amaze me.
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