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Old 03-11-2020, 06:22 AM   #1
Jim in CT
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Biden confronting Michigan worker

a blue collar worker told
Biden he was trying to take away the mans second amendment rights.

Biden could have said “look, even the guy who wrote the second amendment later banned guns on a college campus, so like the rest of the freedoms in the bill of rights, the second amendment isn’t absolute.”


Biden told the man “you’re full of #^&#^&#^&#^&”. Then when the man said “you work for me”, Biden said “i don’t work for you” ( not sure who Biden thinks the president works for), then a female staffer desperately tried to get the demented Biden away from the camera, he repeatedly told her to “shoosh”.

Ok, all the snowflakes who complain when trump acts like a horses azz and mistreats people
and disrespects women, let’s hear it. What say you?

Trump is a jerk, there is no denying it. there’s also no denying that Biden is becoming feeble.
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