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Old 04-13-2020, 12:05 PM   #256
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Posts: 489
Hey folks, thought I would bring up something else here. I'm reading that meat plants are starting to close, so there could be meat shortages in another month or two. I'm thinking at that point we're gonna start having to catch fish not for sport, but just to EAT. If that's the case, I think DEP is going to be under a lot of pressure to start dropping limits, at least for this year. I'm starting to plan my trips this year to fill up the freezer. Dunno guys, this is all looking pretty scary.

And no, no point in blaming idiot in chief for this disaster. Anyhow, the real villain isn't Trump, it's McConnell. He knew about the impending disaster and STILL wouldn't remove the unfit Trump, even though he knew Trump's response would be catastrophic. McConnell, who for more than a decade placed PARTY BEFORE COUNTRY, will get a special place in infamy for this.
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