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Old 04-16-2020, 04:19 PM   #20
Jim in CT
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Let's recap.

When Trump restricted travel from China, liberals said he went way too far. Yet at the same time, he didn't go far enough.

When Trump said he had "total control" of what states do, liberals said that was crazy, that the governors have that authority, not Trump. But at the same time, they are saying that all of this is on Trump's shoulders, it's all his fault, not the fault of the governors.

Trump (and others) are now saying the WHO blew it, by not sounding the alarm when China obviously had a catastrophe on its hands. Not so, say the liberals who can't accept even a remote possibility of anyone looking bad who isn't Trump. WDMSO says the WHO was OK when they said in late January that it didn't spread easily from human to human.

Yet somehow, Trump was supposed to know better than the WHO and enact lockdowns, even though (1) the travel restrictions were too much for liberals, and (2) liberals concede he can't tell states what to do.

When you simultaneously say he did too much and yet didn't do nearly enough...and when you simultaneously say its all his fault yet he can't tell states what to's time to ask some questions.

And he's also wrong for saying we don't need the WHO, even though they said in late January that it couldn't be spread easily from human to human.

TDS, in all its glory.
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