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Old 04-18-2020, 02:56 PM   #104
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
(But he did follow those procedures as outlined in chapter 3 Federal Government response.)

Too late

So now you go from him not following procedures to he followed them too late. So the fact is he did, your opinion is too late.

The consensus early on is that the risk in the US was low and that Trump's travel ban on China was excessive and racist. In late February, Pelosi and the Dems, various media, were saying it was safe to continue as normal and made fun of Trump trying to scare us.

(And the "communities" response guidelines in the plan had not been fully followed by the state and local communities which were caught short handed and unprepared.)

His administration failed to take the leadership role, if the battle was against a foreign army would you expect the states to have the information and take the lead?

But the established procedure you said he didn't follow, or he followed too late, clearly stated that the state and local communities were responsible to keep adequate supplies and to be prepared through practice and readiness procedures to quickly respond to a pandemic.

(Trump actually used federal resources to make up for that. And the previous administration had not replenished the federal stockpile so Trump had to do that as well as provide to the communities that which they themselves, as required by the established "plan," had not.)

He has been in office for three years, and his party controlled Congress for the first two of those years. Perhaps they could have funded the restocking that they blocked under the previous administration.

"Perhaps" they were not aware of the shortage. It was the duty of the CDC and FDA to always remain stocked. Shortages had to be reported to the administration, otherwise it would be unaware of the situation.

The media has reported that regulatory agencies informed the Obama administration of the need to re-supply. It didn't in the seven years that it knew of the shortage.

I don't know if the Trump administration was made aware. And I would think that the anti-Trump media cartel would have pointed out that Trump denied a request. Maybe they have. I am not aware of it. And even if Trump did deny a request, "perhaps" he did it for the same reason Obama did. Or "perhaps" he may have thought it wasn't that important if Obama didn't either.

And Trump did, when the shortage was discovered, order it to be corrected and he did so even beyond the federal shortage but aided in filling the State's shortage as well.

As for him being too slow to get testing started, our highly touted
(federal regulatory agencies such as the CDC were slow to create a testing regime which it decided to create anew rather than use the existing WHO model, and it flubbed that a few times before getting it partially right (still not 100% verifiable) and accepting contributions from other sources--all costing that valuable preliminary time that would have saved more lives.)

His JOB is to administer the federal government and the various parts thereof.
They do need to be led or do you claim that the office is unimportant, ceremonial and titular only? Like the Queen or King of the UK?

He is doing a good job of leading, your opinion notwithstanding.

He tweeted yesterday about Obama/Biden, how does anyone rationalize that statement with his current claim that this is the Governors fault?

Donald J. Trump
Biden/Obama were a disaster in handling the H1N1 Swine Flu. Polling at the time showed disastrous approval numbers. 17,000 people died unnecessarily and through incompetence!

Trump will have really big numbers, much bigger than anyone else and he will figure out a way to brag, cast aspersions and blame.
Good to know. Thanks for the heads up.

Last edited by detbuch; 04-18-2020 at 04:22 PM..
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