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Old 04-29-2020, 02:27 PM   #10
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Ms Reade filed a criminal complaint on 9 April 2020 with police, saying she was a victim of sexual assault but did not name Mr Biden.

She said in a tweet that she filed the complaint "for safety reasons only", as the statute of limitations for her claim have expired and she had begun to receive online threats.

One of Trump*s 35+ cases is currently in court.

Donald Trump has been credibly accused of rape. His co-defendant in one case died mysteriously in jail. Many, many women have come forward to say that he harassed and assaulted them. Those allegations are another thing that everybody knows. And yet.
Biden has, what, 7 accusers?

Again, let's establish a reasonable standard, and apply it consistently. I can live with that. But if the standard is that accusations are enough, no one will be able to run for anything.

The standard needs to be more than a mere accusation. But a mere accusation, was enough for democrats and the media to sink Kavanaugh. That's why the reaction to Biden is such a joke. In no time at all, it went from "believe all women", to "innocent until proven guilty".

"And yet"

I don't think most people who side with Trump on the accusations, are holding Biden to a different standard. We are pointing out that all the democrats who said Kavanaugh was unfit, should be saying that Biden is unfit. Because everyone who was opposed to Kavanaugh's confirmation, was saying that an accusation was enough.

I don't think an accusation is nearly enough. Not enough to sink Trump, Kavanaugh, or Biden.

I don't think many Republicans are saying Biden should step down. I think we are saying that democrats should be demanding that Biden step down, using the same standard they applied to Kavanaugh.
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