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Old 05-03-2020, 04:43 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
"the FBI can not make you lie "

true. But (and being in law enforcement I'd have thought you could at least get this one topic correct, but nope),

"the goal" of an investigative body, is supposed to be to impartially investigate what happened. not to "get" someone prosecuted or fired.

"Your side has no credibility "

US Attorney John Durham, who cleaned up the Boston Justice Department when Whitey Bulger had everyone under his thumb, has "no credibility"? We'll see.
the police cant create a situation to entice you to commit a crime that you wouldn't have otherwise committed. That's called entrapment, and it's not allowed, and for good reason.

Yrs that's true ..but that didn't happen here. Did it

the notes show that FBI agents offered him every opportunity to come clean, even reminding him of a possible contact with Russians regarding the United Nations. The interview record “shows Flynn’s lies were direct and knowing,”

“There was nothing sneaky or circuitous about the agents' questioning. They served it up to him directly, and he responded with direct lies.”

You huffed you puffed and as usual you failed to once again to provide any supporting evidence talked about no credibility. Defending Liars whether its Trump or Flynn it's amazing the lengths you'll go to defend this administration.
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