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Old 05-04-2020, 09:35 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Trump owes China 200 million dollars. He does

You claimed he owed the Bank of China 200 million dollars that he borrowed from it to pay for his share in a building. Bank of China says it sold that debt so it isn't owed the money by Trump.

Posted a video which claimed Trump sent to China a massive load of our supplies we needed to fight the coronavirus. He did

The supplies were not owned by the U.S. government but were a charity by private enterprise specifically meant for the suffering in Wuhan, China, not for use in the U.S. The only reason they were sent on a government mission was that we were sending aircraft to China to pick up Americans to return them home. The plane was empty on the way there so it saved the charity the expense of sending while not costing the taxpayers any more than if it went empty. The implication of the story is that Trump was sending our precious supplies to an enemy and you claimed it was therefor a day of infamy or something like that. It was nothing like you painted it to be. Pretty much the opposite.

Trump said Nazis are fine people. He did

This has thoroughly been debunked on this forum several times. A few sentences later in the very same press briefing that he was supposed to have said it, Trump specifically said he wasn't referring to the Nazis or white supremacists. He explained who he was referring to. Nor would it have made any sense to say there were good people on both sides unless you're claiming that he was also saying there were good Antifa. And he had and has specifically denounced the white supremacists, Nazis, and their ilk several times. And he has a Jewish (convert) daughter and grandchildren. And has been more pro-israel than most recent Presidents. And, for sure, he never said the exact words of Nazis being very fine people. But you gotta hang on to the false statement that he did.

Trump has done little positive for America. He has done little positive

He has made a significant change in our trade relations which is to our benefit. He has prevented, at least temporarily, the SCOTUS from becoming a guaranteed tool for eliminating the Constitution. He has reshown us the already known but Progressively discarded way to expand wealth creation in our country. He has greatly bolstered our military in a precarious time of competition with China and Russia. He has instilled confidence in weak Republicans who feared the Press. He has strengthened the funding for NATO. He has brought to the surface the quiet rather hidden problem of China and our complicity in its rise at our expense and the need to bring back the important, necessary manufacturing and research to America that has drifted to the rest of the world and especially to china. He has clarified the division between the international globalist corporatists and the economic needs of average Americans (of all races).

Trump mocked a disabled person. He did

No, he has used the same gestures other times when he wasn't speaking about people who were not disabled.
And he has personally donated as well as fund raising millions to charities for the disabled.

Trump is incapable of leading. He is

He has led many efforts. Construction projects. Fund raising for charities. Election campaigns. Coronavirus task force.

He is solely responsible for the death of the most Americans in history. He is

I don't know which deaths he is SOLELY responsible for. If you're referring to the COVID-19, to say that he is "solely" responsible is ridiculous, or even to say that he is directly responsible is personal opinion. The first thing that comes to my mind of someone, especially a President, who even comes close to being solely responsible for the most American deaths is Abraham Lincoln. the Civil War resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths.

And that war rested pretty much on his shoulders.

Our intelligence community warned Trump early about the danger of the virus, but this media narrative was denied by the intel director.
and they did
Someone who would actually know what was in the intel would be the director who said that the media narrative you depend on was not true.

Last edited by detbuch; 05-04-2020 at 09:40 PM..
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