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Old 05-05-2020, 02:00 PM   #246
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
You have been duped, not me. If you believe that Trump just happened coincidentally made those movements while discussing that reporter, you're so filled with hate that you can't emotionally think straight.
You say that they weren't the "same" movements as those he used in other instances. If you mean exactly the same, of course, it would not be possible to make exactly the same movement years apart, without rehearsal. But they were very similar. Especially with those he made when talking about Ted Cruz.

But if you're going to go the route of they're not the same, then that would apply to showing the reporter making exactly the same movements. Can you do that? Show where the reporter made exactly those same movements. I don't believe his disability would make its possible to even come close to making the same movements Trump made, not to mention exactly the same. Did the reporter make those movements? Why are you assuming that he made those movements that you claim Trump imitated?

Was Trump, "coincidentally" as you put it, mocking Cruz's movements or the General's? Was it a "coincidence" that the movements were all similar to each other? Or was Trump mocking, not physical movements, but a generic physical representation of frustrated inability to explain some contradiction--as in the reporter's attempt to cover for what he had previously reported.
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