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Old 05-05-2020, 08:09 PM   #255
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
They weren't the same movements.

You have been duped, not me. If you believe that Trump just happened coincidentally made those movements while discussing that reporter, you're so filled with hate that you can't emotionally think straight.
So, Paul, you claim that Trump imitated the reporters movements. Serge Kovaleski, the reporter, suffers from a congenital joint condition which severely restricts his ability to move his arms. Do you have some proof, another video perhaps, which shows Kovaleski making the "same movements" you said that Trump imitated. It is very doubtful (probably impossible) that Kovaleski is able to move the way Trump did in the video.

The only similarity between Trump's movements and Kovaleski that is found in searching this controversy is a freeze frame of that exact moment in Trump's wild gestures that his hand is bent at the wrist in front of his chest like Kovaleski's seems to be permanently paralyzed--a wrist bend that Trump often has in parts of his gestures when speaking.

But can't find any videos where kovaleski even moves his arms at all. I don't think it would be possible for him to move his arms the way Trump did. And if he tried, it would probably be too painful, if at all possible, to do so, and would not be worth the attempt for any purpose other than an attempt to ward off some kind of attacker or killer bee trying to sting him.

Trump actually has admitted that he mimicked what he thought would be a flustered reporter trying to get out of a statement he made long ago. That is, he was not mocking or imitating the movements of a disabled person, but rather his version of someone frustratingly trying to explain away a lie he got caught telling. Which is the very similar hand waving way he was filmed doing on other occasions when he mocked others who were trying to do the same type of weak self vindication.

I would hate to think that I am so filled with hate that I can't emotionally think straight, as you claim. But it just seems that the evidence shows that Trump was not imitating Kovaleski's movements, that he was imitating some stock version of frustration. So if you could, please, show some verification that Kovaleski actually moved like that, which so coincidentally resembles what Trump has been filmed doing a few times before, I would appreciate being relieved of the burden of hate you've found in me of which I have not even been aware. And also would like to be shown the truth that will allow me to "emotionally think straight" as you put it.

Though, I must admit, for me, my emotions and my thinking are different things. And when I let my emotions color or direct my thinking, it tends to blot out all rationality and logic--ergo my thinking, then, is not very "straight." All the more reason for me to be shown the truth in this aforementioned mocking situation. No doubt the real truth will meld my thinking and my emotion about it into a very straight "emotional thinking" and enlightened vision of the real reality.

Much appreciation, therefor, if you could show Kovaleski making the moves that Trump imitated.
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