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Old 05-21-2020, 06:43 AM   #71
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
No, what I would say is

1. He can’t brag about the economy, because we’re in a depression.

2. He can’t brag about his response to the virus, because it was #^&#^&#^&#^&ty.

3. So his campaign is gonna be a whole bunch of “voter fraud,” “Obama,” & the “deep state.”

4. Because he thinks his voters are stupid.

Is he right?
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Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
"He can’t brag about the economy, because we’re in a depression"

(1) The thing is, you didn't give him any credit for the economy, before the impact of the virus.
(2) we aren't in a depression, no one is starving, people aren't losing their homes in big numbers, investment bankers aren't jumping out of windows. The economy didn't fail, it didn't even sputter. We chose to turn it off. Some states are slowly opening back up, and there's every reason to believe that most lost jobs will come back.
(3) I don't think most people blame Trump for the effects of the virus. Back in December, no one was advocating for the policies that might have helped us keep the virus out. In fact, most democrats and media pundits said that the one thing Trump did (restricting travel from China) was an over reaction.
(4) recent polling shows that Americans trust Trump on the economy more than they trust Biden.
(5) the Dow was at 20,000 when he took office. 3.5 years later, it's at 24,500. Is that a Depression? Unemployment is a disaster.

"He can’t brag about his response to the virus, because it was #^&#^&#^&#^&ty."

The polls don't suggest that. Attached is the most recent one I could find specific to the virus, he was at 50-50. So you can shriek this all you want. People don't agree with you. His personal behavior at the briefings was predictably bad. His policies, are not unpopular. Ask Govs Cuomo and Newsom.

"So his campaign is gonna be a whole bunch of “voter fraud,” “Obama,” & the “deep state.”

nope. He can legitimately claim some credit for what the economy was doing before we deliberately shut it off. He can claim some credit for the federal stimulus policies that are popular and that have kept the DJIA in the mid-20s, which I can't believe it didn't go much lower than that. He can claim credit for the fact that deaths will be nowhere near what was originally predicted. He can claim that Biden, as VP, was part of an administration that was likely involved in some serious fishiness regarding the Russia claims, and you can bet that Durham's investigation will conclude at a time most beneficial to the re-election. He can claim credit for keeping us safe from jihadists. He can claim credit for appointing the kinds of judges that people who elected him, wanted him to appoint. He can claim credit for helping to decrease tax rates for 60% of Americans, and for incentivizing American companies to bring back $2 trillion in profits that had been stored overseas. And he can claim that his opponent is a senile old jerk who can no longer string two sentences together, who is best known for being a democrat attack dog who calls everyone who opposes him, a racist...and who also has a problem with women. He can claim that Biden said that Trumps travel restrictions were an overreaction (meaning he didn't think the virus was serious enough to do that). He can claim he has been a friend to the unborn and to Christians.

That's not the whole story, obviously. There's all kinds of fair criticism. He's a jerk, he didn't build the wall he promised, etc...but if you think he has nothing to campaign on, we will see how wrong you are.

"Because he thinks his voters are stupid. Is he right?"

What do you think an intelligent Republican should do in November, Pete? Stay home? Vote for Biden? Move to San Francisco and become a folk singer of sociology professor?

Last edited by Jim in CT; 05-21-2020 at 06:52 AM..
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