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Old 05-30-2020, 09:05 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by RickBomba View Post
Looks like Antifa is winning the day.


I surely hope this does not come to a neighborhood near any of us, soon.

Glad I deleted my FB and don’t tell anyone where I sleep at night.

Its antifa fault ? that unarmed black are 5x more likely to be kill by police..

Black women killed In wrong house no knock raid Kentucky shot like 8 times
Black jogger hunted and killed took months to press charges
Woman in central park call cops on " black man is threatening me" he was just asking to put here dog on a leash
Or the cop kneeling on the guy neck, resulting in death called Positional Asphyxia.
Is not accidental

I can see why they may be pissed off

What are whites pissd off about ,,, being told they have to wear a mask. Or can't go to church for a little bit. Why are they upset

Because it violates their personal liberties .. I would say those listed above what about their personal liberties

I dont see the benfits of riots and burningc #^&#^&#^&#^& , but I also dont live in their world where they only way they are heard or noticed other than a Trump sound bite about unemployment is. if they burn the place down

But crowds have a odd dynamic

The Faceless Crowd
In psychology A2 (AQA) one area of study is the DEINDIVIDUATION THEORY. This theory is based on the classic crowd theory of Gustave Le Bon (1895) he claimed that an individual transformed when part of a crowd through a combination of anonymity, Suggestibility and Contagion meaning that a "collective mind" takes over the individual. I shan't bore you with the rest of the nature and process of deindividuation because that will waste both of our time. There were two main areas of research conducted.
Zimbardo (1969) carried out a study into anonymity that showed when levels of anonymity increased levels of aggression increased.
And then there was Mullen who in 1982 analysed newspaper cutting of 60 lynches in the US between 1899 and 1946. He found that the more people in the mob the greater the savagery they killed there victims, the crowd would undergo a process of deindivuation.

And over at Breitbart a site so white you need sunglasses to read it. The dog whistle are blowing

George Soros. He's paying for anarchists (just like ANTIFA) to cause widespread unrest ahead of the 2020 election. These globalists never let a good crisis go to waste.
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