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Old 06-03-2020, 08:06 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Tweety is an awful man,

He's an OK man with more energy, ability, and accomplishment than the vast majority of men.

waving a book he hasn’t read,

He's read it. Or much of it.

in front of a church he doesn’t attend,

He honored the church that suffered damage done by the rioters still roaming the nearby streets.(yeah, yeah, you know he has no honor, blah, blah).

invoking laws he doesn’t understand,

He invokes many laws that he does understand or that he is advised of by "experts". Others disagree with him. And sometimes he gets it wrong.

against fellow Americans he sees as enemies,

Against Americans breaking the law.

wielding a military he dodged serving,

Presidents do wield the military, whether they served or not.

to protect power he gained via accepting foreign interference,

You keep telling that debunked conspiracy.

exploiting fear and anger he loves to stoke,

A lot of us don't fear him or what he does. It is natural for those who hate someone to fear him or what he does.
But that is a useless, divisive fear stoked by people like you.

after failing to address a pandemic he was warned about,

He addressed it and still is.

and building it all on a bed of constant lies and childish inanity.

I'm trying to understand how he built a record strong economy, improved trade deals, picked one excellent SCOTUS Judge and one fairly good one, avoided major war in the Middle East, strengthened NATO, and more, on a bed of constant lies and childish inanity.

This is not partisan. It is simply about recognizing the moral vacuum that is now pretending to lead.
I honestly don't think you have the consistent, rational, moral foundation which would enable you to recognize a moral vacuum. Just my honest opinion. Not intended as an insult. It's a very common condition. Most people have it. You may feel the same way about me, but I don't really care. Not about the way you feel about me, nor about its relevance in the coming election. I don't see Trump being any more a moral vacuum than Joe Biden, or Hillary and Bill Clinton, or Nancy Pelosi, or Chuck Schumer, or The Squad, or most Democrat politicians--it's not the issue at hand for me in this coming election.

Voting on the basis of some notion of morality can get you a Jimmy Carter. Or, even worse for atheists, someone like Mike Pence. I like Mike Pence and think he would make an excellent President.

The Issue for me is the conflict between a government based on a classical liberal foundation versus one based on the Progressive political ideology of an Administrative state. And I assume that most of the politicians on either side of that conflict will have some "moral" failings. And those on either side will even fall short of their professed agenda for government.

But so long as there is one side that at least leans more in its agenda toward classical liberal, Constitutional government, then I have some basis for whom I cast my vote. The Democrat Party has totally abandoned that ship and gone full Progressive.
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