Thread: The Antifa Myth
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Old 06-04-2020, 03:02 PM   #26
Pete F.
Join Date: Jun 2003
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
What you said is not what happened:

"A head of state using a standing army"

There was no standing army being used against the will of a state governor. Washington D.C. is not a state. The President as commander-in-chief of the District of Columbia's national guard has the legal, constitutional power to use it in that city. The original notion of the Founders, that the central government did not have the authority to impose the power of a standing federal army on the states and the free citizens therein, never applied to D.C.

to occupy an American city, compel citizens off the street,

The National Guard were not "occupying" D.C. A military occupation is generally a military controlling a foreign territory by force. The American city in this case was being occupied by protesters, many of which were not residents of D.C., not by a standing army which was lawfully protecting the jurisdiction at the behest of the city's commander in chief.

stifle free expression and assembly, using paramilitary forces to smoke clergy out of their churches at the head of state’s whim, is pretty much the founders’ nightmare.

Free expression and assembly were not "stifled." It was moved a small distance. Non-peaceful, unlawful expression may have been stifled. I haven't heard about people being smoked out of their churches. I did hear about people not being allowed to attend their churches during the pandemic shutdown.

The Founders would have definitely approved of the President ordering his federal troops to quell destructive civil disorder in D.C. The Thugs and ANTIFA in the crowd had been turning the peaceful "occupation" into a violent, dangerous, life threatening, destructive one. The Founder's nightmare would have been a President who allowed the Capitol to be desecrated by thugs and criminals.

As for clearing a path for the President, the people had the right to hear him. The right to protest does not give the right to stifle the free speech of others, nor the right to deny others the right to hear their President.
Weasel words, but Tweety doesn't care about the rule of law anyways.

Citizens have the right to enter one state and leave another, the right to be treated as a welcome visitor rather than a hostile stranger.

Citizens of the United States have a constitutional right to assemble and the right to speak.

You have not listened or looked to see what happened, willful ignorance once again. As is typical of authoritarians, you ignore the greater good and focus on the lesser evil.
They physically drove the rector from the church courtyard.
There was no violence until it was escalated by government forces.
They drove all the people out and he said no words.

It was a photo op, pure and simple

Frasier: Niles, I’ve just had the most marvelous idea for a website! People will post their opinions, cheeky bon mots, and insights, and others will reply in kind!

Niles: You have met “people”, haven’t you?

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