Thread: The Antifa Myth
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Old 06-04-2020, 04:02 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Pete F. View Post
Weasel words, but Tweety doesn't care about the rule of law anyways.

Yes he does. (that was easy)

Citizens have the right to enter one state and leave another, the right to be treated as a welcome visitor rather than a hostile stranger.

Sure, but they don't have the right to do or go wherever they want.

Citizens of the United States have a constitutional right to assemble and the right to speak.

They were not stopped from doing so. Citizens do not have the right to occupy whatever space they want.

You have not listened or looked to see what happened, willful ignorance once again. As is typical of authoritarians, you ignore the greater good and focus on the lesser evil.

I assume that you and I have a different view of what the greater good is. Being an authoritarian, you believe your view is the rule. I have stated many times in many ways what I think what the greater good is in government. It would be a useless expenditure of energy to tell you again. You have not listened. You ignore. And I don't recall you ever saying precisely what that greater good is.

They physically drove the rector from the church courtyard.
There was no violence until it was escalated by government forces.
They drove all the people out and he said no words.

As wdmso might say, that was simplistic.

It was a photo op, pure and simple
Among other things, it was a photo op. It's what politicians do. But there was a definite message or two in the op. A message partially in response to the lie that he was "hiding like a coward in the bunker." The President doesn't make those decisions. The secret services does. And I'm guessing that, for security reasons, the secret service was not approving of the op.

And "the world" was divided about the message. Unlike the fake anti-Trump media, there was a large world that approved of his message. And you probably scoff at that. I'm guessing, it makes you feel good about yourself to do that.
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