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Old 06-09-2020, 09:43 AM   #23
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
this is hilarious
Sort of like a movement called Black Lives Matter, that vandalized memorials to Abraham Lincoln and the Massachusetts 54th Regiment (all black regiment in the Civil War). What did Lincoln and the Massachusett's 54th ever do for black people, right?

This whole thing is like something out of SNL or MAD magazine. It's a parody of a political movement. It's a farce.

"I care about black lives! So let's reduce or eliminate the police! If we do that, blacks in Chicago and Baltimore will live forever!"

The Washington Post is as liberal as it gets. And according to their data, 9 unarmed blacks were killed by police in 2019. Now one is too many, but it's not an epidemic. Coincidentally, that's the same number that were murdered in Chicago over Memorial Day weekend.

But let's tear the country apart over the police, and never speak of what people in the cities are doing to each other. Why ignore the major problem to focus on the more rare problem, you ask? Because the large-scale problem (gang violence in cities, and the socio-economic causes of that violence) doesn't help liberals win elections. Shrieking about police brutality, does help liberals win elections. And that's what this is obviously about.
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